Kapitel/Chapter 10

Einführung in LaTeX / Introduction into LaTeX


Special sorting and depth=3

% !makeindex
(markup-indexentry :open "~n   \subIIIitem " :depth 3)

\index[ste]{Herodot!01@I!80}% sort I as 01
\index[ste]{Herodot!05@V!80}% sort V as 05 a.s.o.



Preamble after the index title

%\setindexpreamble{Here comes some text for the index preamble, which will
%                   be set in KOMA-Script in one column}%% for KOMA-Script

\def\IndexPreamble{Here comes some text for the index preamble, which will
                   be set over both columns. The index itself is set
                   in the twocolumn mode}%% the preamble
\renewenvironment{theindex}%% redefine the environment
 { \twocolumn[\section*{\indexname}\IndexPreamble\par\medskip]%
   \parskip\z@ \@plus .3\p@\relax
   \columnseprule \z@
   \columnsep 35\p@
\def\Index#1{#1\index{#1}}%% I am too lazy for typing it twice :-)

\Index{foo}, \Index{bar} und \Index{baz}.


New package imakeidx. Run it with pdflatex --shell-escape <file>


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