1. accanthis 2. aboensis 3. Alegreya 4. almendra 5. andika 6. atkinson 7. bitter 8. cabin 9. caladea 10. cantarell 11. CharisSIL 12. Chivo 13. cinzel 14. cochineal 15. coelacanth 16. comfortaa 17. concmath-otf (with textfont concrete) 18. CooperHewitt 19. CormorantGaramond 20. crimson 21. CrimsonPro 22. dejavu-otf (with TeXGyre DejaVu math) 23. droidsans 24. droidserif 25. ebgaramond 26. forum 27. fourier-otf (Erewhon math and fourier) 28. garamondlibre 29. gelasio 30. gfsneohellenic with math 31. gillius 32. gillius2 33. hep-font 34. heros-otf 35. ibarra 36. imfellEnglish 37. inconsolata-nerd-font 38. Junicode 39. Junicode as Virtual Font 40. kpfonts-otf (with math) 41. lato 42. lexend 43. libertine 44. libertinus-otf (with math) 45. librebaskerville 46. LibreBodoni 47. librecaslon 48. librefranklin 49. linguisticspro 50. LobsterTwo 51. marathi 52. marcellus 53. mathfont (using text fonts for math) 54. merriweather 55. missaali 56. newpxtext 57. newtxtext 58. noto 59. noto-sans 60. noto-serif 61. OldStandard 62. opensans 63. pagella-otf (with math) 64. PlayfairDisplay 65. plex-otf 66. plex-serif 67. PoiretOne 68. quattrocento 69. revquantum 70. roboto 71. roboto-mono 72. roboto-serif 73. Rosario 74. schola-otf ( with math) 75. sourceserifpro 76. spectral 77. termes-otf (with math) 78. TheanoDidot 79. TheanoModern 80. TheanoOldStyle 81. tinos 82. tipauni 83. universalis 84. xcharter-otf (with math) 85. yfonts 86. zxjafont